Link-O-Loon Pro Series Vol 2 DVD
This DVD is the second in a series of the Link-O-Loon Pro Balloon Decorating System taught by Guido Verhoef and distributed by Betallic, LLC. In Volume 2, Guido shows you some fun and basic ideas on integrating round balloons with Link-O-Loon decor.
Learn the steps to create unique designs using Guido's proven and professional techniques with Link-O-Loons in a wide range of more advanced decor projects. This DVD will show you how to create professional decor that will set you apart in the market, increase your profit margins and fine tune your own creative skills!
Guido is a great instructor and is in complete command of the creative opportunities LOLs have to offer. He sees the design possibilities that have gone beyond what can be created with just round balloons in classic decor. Here is your opportunity to learn from one of the best!